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Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) Gallery

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Type: Website
Author(s): UCF Faculty and Students
Published: STEAM
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One of the objectives of ICubed is to inform the UCF Community about scientific and engineering concepts. The project is accomplishing this objective by funding the STEAM Gallery which is an activity that encourages STEM faculty and their students to collaborate with Art and Design faculty and their students to create STEM inspired artifacts (sculptures, paintings, illustrations, and posters). There are four primary goals for STEAM:

  • Encourage new collaborations among STEM and non-STEM university faculty;
  • Inform and entice students to become part of creative projects that involve the STEM disciplines;
  • Assist STEM faculty members to become better ambassadors in communicating their research to the public and colleagues and students from other disciplines, and
  • Inform the public about STEM research so that it has greater appreciation of research and its impact on daily lives.

ICubed has successfully integrated and is successfully integrating the STEAM activities into existing sculpture, illustration and painting courses. Furthermore, through a team collaboration approach, involving STEM students and Art and Design students, posters, depicting STEM research, have been created and are being created. Select artwork from these efforts are being preserved by the ICubed project for a travelling exhibition displaying science inspired art.


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